>< v.1-26 Ya’akov deceives Yitz’chak Yitz’chak was old and nearly blind when he decided to do this blessing. He was 137 years old (the age Yishma’el was when he died). Remember he was 60 when the twins were born, so some time had passed and the twins were now 77 years old when this took place. Much time had passed from the time that ‘Esav had sold his birthright to Ya’akov for a bowl of lentil stew more than half a century earlier!
This scene with Yitz’chak and ‘Esav was about the blessing Esav was about to receive. This blessing (berakhah) was not the final decision of who would be bekhor. In this case it was the division of Yitz’chak’s wealth.
Why was Ya’akov reluctant to go along with Rivkah’s plan? If his deception was found out by Yitz’chak he feared a curse would be placed on him rather than a blessing. Rivkah had held on to the covenant words given her by God when she was pregnant with the twins…that “the older will serve the younger.” (Gen.25:23)
< v.27-29 Yitz’chak blesses Ya’akov The opening words of the berakhah show that Yitz’chak thought the
one receiving the blessing was ‘Esav “the man of the field.” he words of the berakhah reveal that it was Yitz’chak’s intention to give ‘Esav much of what the bekhor should have traditionally received.
Ya’akov’s deception is successful and he received the blessing God had intended for him, he held on to the birthright God told his mother he’d have, and he received the authority to lead the clan. Can you imagine that Ya’akov went through all these deceptions only to receive that which could never be denied him anyway…because the Lord had already determined it! All Ya’akov did was taint that which could have been pure.
< v.30-38 Esav returns and weeps Once the berakhah was given, it was not reversible for any reason.
Much like a king’s decree. ‘Esav spoke of two things that were taken from him: 1) birthright 2)blessing. When ‘Esaventered the tent, he did not expect to be named bekhor since that issue was settled long ago when he sold his birthright. He wanted all the wealth and power that comes through the blessing, but he didn’t want the burden of responsibility as bekhor.
< v.39-40 Esav blessed with a curse Here we find a mistranslation of Gen. 27:39. Tradition renders verse 39
as, “Your home will be the richness (fatness) of the earth, and the dew of heaven above.” Yet, literally the verse reads “Behold, away from the richness of the earth and away from the dew of heaven will be your home.” Why the obvious difference? Why has the “away” part been rationalized out of existence? How do we know this is a mistranslation? We must look at this in its full context.
< v.41-46 Heart poisoned with revenge As angry as ‘Esav was and wanting to kill his twin brother, he
thought his father was on the verge of death and so, out of respect for his aged father, he postponed murder. Turns out that Yitz’chak ended up living another 43years! —Why did Rivkah mean when she feared losing both her sons on the same day? —How did Rivkah get Yitz’chak to agree to send Ya’akov
>< v.1-9 Ya’akov is sent away Yitz’chak blesses the 77-year-old Ya’akov before he is sent away. The blessings and curses in the OT should be carefully considered as they are always prophetic. —What are the implications of ‘Esav marrying back into the line of Avraham by taking the daughter of Yishma’el as
his wife?
< v.10-17 Dream of a ladder It’s here in the Torah that we find Ya’akov making a separate identity for himself, one that allows him to become the third and last patriarch. It was necessary for him to leave his land and his father, mother, and siblings in order for God to work with him, just as it was with his grandfather, Avraham.
The “ladder” is a biblical type that acts as a connection between God and man after sin had broken that
connection. Later it was through the wilderness Tabernacle and eventually it is only through the true
“ladder” Messiah Yeshua that we can have access to God.
>< v.18-22 A-pillar and a tenth Ya’akov took the stone that he laid his head on and stood it up and
anointed it with oil. Anointing with oil was a common practice in that era to mark an agreement being made. People also used standing stones to mark boundaries but
didn’t anoint them with oil. —What is significant about what Ya’akov did here?
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