Are you in?

Are you in? Transcript Shalom friends. Hey everybody. Welcome back to access. This is Timothy and I’m so grateful that you join me in studying the scriptures today. Quick question. Have you ever had really vivid dreams that troubled you? You know, the sort of dreams where when you wake up, you remember all the […]
Be Well

Be Well Download the Pdf copy here **See notes W is for WORSHIPPING Psalm 150:6 / John 4:23-24 / *Exodus 20:1-11 >< Psalm – We were created to worship our Creator…it was built into His design when He fashioned mankind in His image. We are meant to bring honour to Him and to glorify Him! […]
What do you want God?

What do you want God? Download the Pdf copy here **See notes GENESIS 48 (part 3) THE WHOLE HOUSE OF ISRAEL —The Southern Kingdom was made up of Y’hudah and Binyamin and this was called the Kingdom of Y’hudah. —The Northern Kingdom is what the Scriptures call “Israel” or the Kingdom of Efrayim. —The Levites […]
Providence in Hindsight

Providence in Hindsight Download the Pdf copy here **See notes GENESIS 50 PROVIDENCE IN HINDSIGHT v.1 “(When Ya’akov had finished charging his sons, he drew his legs up into the bed, breathed his last and was gathered to his people. 49:33) Yosef fell on his father’s face, wept over him and kissed him.” v.2-3 Egyptians […]
Prophesy Blessings

Prophesy Blessings Download the Pdf copy here **See notes GENESIS 49It was more than 3500 years ago that Ya’akov made these pronouncements concerning the traits of the descendants of the sons gathered around his deathbed, and these traits would apply to the history of each tribe from beginning to end. Re’uven (**1 Chron. 5:1-2)There was […]
Whole House of Israel

Whole House of Israel Download the Pdf copy here **See notes GENESIS 48 (part 3) THE WHOLE HOUSE OF ISRAEL —The Southern Kingdom was made up of Y’hudah and Binyamin and this was called the Kingdom of Y’hudah.—The Northern Kingdom is what the Scriptures call “Israel” or the Kingdom of Efrayim.—The Levites were in a […]
Cross-Handed Blessing

Cross-Handed Blessing Download the Pdf copy here **See notes GENESIS 48 (part 2)>< How many Tribes of Israel?12 tribes – 1 tribe (Yosef) = 11 tribes11 tribes + 2 tribes (Efrayim & M’nasheh) = 13 tribesThe affect of the cross-handed blessing would be manifested about 450 years later and the special treatment of the tribe […]
Grafted in

Grafted In Download the Pdf copy here **See notes Read Genesis 48 GENESIS 48 >< v.1-4 Abrahamic Covenant paraphrased Yosef receives an urgent message that his aged father is very ill; so this ruler of Egypt takes his two sons, born to his Egyptian wife Asenath, and went to see Ya’akov, Israel. Out of respect […]
Big Shifts

Big Shifts Download the Pdf copy here **See notes Read Genesis 46-47GENESIS 46>< v.1-7 Ya’akov making moves Take a moment to get inside Ya’akov’s mind as he prepared to leave Kena’an, the land promised to them, to meet his long-thought-to-be-dead son, Yosef, in Egypt who was now vizier of Egypt. Certainly his clan, the twelve […]
Revealing Identity

Revealing Identity Download the Pdf copy here Read Genesis 44-45 YOSEF :: A TYPE OF MESSIAH GENESIS 44>< v.1-13 Yosef tricks his brothers Why does Yosef trick his brothers by hiding the cup and the money? Why didn’t he just reveal his identity from the beginning? Notice how the brothers protest their innocence to the […]